Who can apply?
The internship as a bicycle repair attendant is intended for high school students enrolled in a semi-skilled trade program. Students must go through their internship supervisor to be eligible.
The general population may be eligible for a work internship, in collaboration with CycloChrome partner organizations. These internship opportunities are currently at the project stage.
Do you have details about what is covered during the program?
Please consult the official website of the ministry of education.
When can we apply?
The internships start mid-September and finish at the end of June.
What is a typical week during the internship?
The main tasks consist of maintaining and repairing bicycles (mainly BIXI, a self-serve rental fleet).
How can we apply?
Please fill out and submit the form found below.
What do we need to apply?
All you need is some information about the sponsored student and the teacher who oversees the internship.