Many partners assist us in our social involvement towards youth:
- BIXI Montréal (main partner) is the self-service bicycle system reference in the City of Montreal and offers more than 9500 bicycles. At the end of their 375-hour internship, all successful trainees are eligible for a job offer from the “Bixi Young Doctors” division to become BIXI self-service bike maintenance mechanics. They must go through the regular selection process by submitting their resume and going to an interview;
- batterytester: Battery testing experts. They have developped a specialized platform that allows in-depth testing of all ebike batteries;
- eBike Motor Center, a supplier of OEM and upgraded parts for repairing multiple brands of ebike motors.
- PBSC Urban Solutions, a company that specializes in the commissioning of public self-service bicycle systems in several big cities around the world;
- Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM);
- Cyclo Nord-Sud, which collects and ships over 50,000 bicycles in 18 countries in Africa and Latin America;
- Cyclohalt, self-service bicycle repair service and other accessories related to urban development
- Cannondale Échelon p/b 4iiii is a Canadian cycling team from Montreal in partnership with Cannondale, 4iiii, Woven Precision, ABUS, Castelli, Rittenvest, CycloChrome, Acier Inoxydable Fafard, Planète Courrier, American Iron & Metal, Rally Beer Co, Zibo, Kinzo, Groupe Canva & L’Agence Marco Daigle. With multiple Quebec Champions, 4 Canadian Champions in the last 10 years and a Super Prestige title holder, it’s a rich history of success thanks to the partnerships and collective efforts of the team members over the years;
- Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM);
- PME MTL Centre-Est, the City of Montreal’s business support network;
- Vrac Environment, Sustainable Development Action and Research Group;
- Two wheel view, a Canadian organization that promotes youth development programs using bicycles as a tool to foster youth resilience.
Without the commitment of all our partners and all the members of our organization, we wouldn’t be able to fulfill our mission. We thank them greatly for their generosity. Are you also concerned about youth issues and interested in giving back to the community? If so, please feel free to contact us!